Our Story

Our story is the beginning of a journey created by two original Silly Girls that started their own photography business of taking fun, creative, silly pictures that developed into something much more then they imagined. Introducing confidence and friendship to many girls from around the World!

"Shenanigans is about fun, the kind of fun that appears childish to anyone watching but is actually much deeper
and maybe even life changing for those involved. It's about Silly Girls." 
Laura Stronach Adams

We've been inspired to spread the word of Silliness. It's been a wonderful full year of getting together with friends and meeting so many fabulous ladies along the way through "Silly Girls United/Shenanigans". You are never to old to dress up and have fun. We encourage you to escape every once in awhile and join a World of Silliness!

Check out "What it's all about" post for more details